Do you want to get FIT, feel STRONG, and be the BEST version of yourself?


What is Clackers and Chief?


Parents of Five.
Business Owners.
Qualified Personal Trainers.


Join us for…

  • Move it.

    Full-body workout to get every inch of your body moving. No pants? No problem. You can do these workouts in the comfort of your own home.

  • Kick it.

    Combat style training. In these fun, intense workouts we bring Adam’s martial arts skills into play to give you everything you need to kick arse, in life.

  • Feel It.

    Strength training workouts. In these slow meaningful workouts, we’ll be lifting some light weights with intensity and purpose to really get your muscles burning.

3 x Live Workouts Per Week

Guest Coaches • Giveaways • 24/7 Online Community

Word on the street…


“Ever since I’ve been following Adam he’s given me a whole new look on life. His determination, charismatic personality and drive to help others is truly amazing. Not only do I feel better in my mind I’ve also lost over 15kgs. Love this guy!!

— Nathan

“Get's me out of bed each morning with purpose and a spring in my step. I am a ten times better father than I was a year ago. This guy is the real deal. ”

— Richard

“I used to hate working out but Adam makes it fun. I feel like I have so much more energy. I’m more patient with my kids and my wife loves that I’m doing more around the house. I just feel way better in myself and that’s the exciting part. Thanks Bro!”

— Chris


“My goal in life is
to be the best dad and husband I can possibly be”

Adam Clarke

Sound familiar?

  • Since you've become parents you've put your own priorities on the back burner ,as we do, but you would love to be in better shape and feel better.

  • You want to make some changes so you can be the best father/mother for your children but you're not sure where to start.

  • You're struggling to feel clear-headed and motivated and it's affecting your family life.

  • You would love to be inspired by other parents’ journeys to better health and wellness.

  • You want to get healthier and happier so you can be an inspiration to your family.



Benefits of joining Clackers & Chief

  • Become the best parent you can be.

  • Feel better about yourself so you can give your best to your family.

  • Get clarity and improved mental health.

  • 24/7 community of like minded people.

  • Tips on all aspects of life as a parent, exercise, daily habits, food and family contribution.

  • Access to giveaways, events, workshops and guest coaches.

  • 25% lifetime discount at Cadenshae.


Session Timetable

All session times are in New Zealand Standard Time









Join the Waitlist

We’ll send you an email invitation to join us when we launch.